Everybody is talking about Big Data and digitalisation in 2019. Because we are collecting data at an unprecedented level. While in 1992 we produced around 100 GB of data per day, by 2018 it was already 50,000 GB - per second (source: http://www.vcloudnews.com/every-day-big-data-statistics-2-5-quintillion-bytes-of-data-created-daily/).
Converted, this is 2.5 quintillion bytes per day, an unimaginably high sum. One thing is clear: it is impossible for us humans to manage this data manually and - more importantly - to analyze it. Because administration and analysis consist to a large extent of routine tasks. And employees around the globe are already working at full capacity processing these tasks, as they spend an average of two out of five working days a week processing tasks that do not form the core of their functions. Manual tools, writing e-mails or personal visits cost time. Time that is ultimately lacking for the processing of other important things.
European companies, in particular, are still sceptical about using automated processes. The "digital laboratory" or Smart Lab is a term - but the possibilities of Cloud Computing, Mobile Technologies and Co. are not yet perceived as what they are: Relief for employees from routine tasks. According to a McKinsey study lasting several years (source: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/four-fundamentals-of-workplace-automation), more than 60 percent of all work tasks can be automated by 30 percent in the future. This will enable companies to double their productivity.
What is it like in your company? Are you already using or planning the digital laboratory of the future? Or do you see little or no potential to increase the success of your company through big data, process optimization, inventory management and the like? Write us your experiences, we look forward to the dialogue!